Publications- 研究実績 -


  1. Sho Ogata, Eita Nishira, Hideaki Yasuhara, Naoki Kinoshita, Toru Inui, Kiyoshi Kishida.: Multi-physics numerical analyses for predicting the alterations in permeability and reactive transport behavior within single rock fractures depending on temperature, stress, and fluid pH conditions, Soils Found, Vol. 62, No. 6, 101207, 2022.
  2. Sho Ogata, Hideaki Yasuhara, Naoki Kinoshtia, Toru Inui, Eita Nishira, Kiyoshi Kishida.: Numerical analyses of coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical processes for estimating permeability change in fractured rock induced by alkaline solution, Geomech. Energy Environ., Vol. 31, No. 100372, 2022.
  3. Jintong Zhang, Mamoru Kikumoto, Hideaki Yasuhara, Sho Ogata, Kisyohi Kishida.: Modeling the shearing behavior of discontinuous rock mass incorporating dilation of joint aperture, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Vol. 153,, 2022.
  4. 前田悠太朗、緒方奨、福田大祐、乾徹、安原英明、岸田潔:Extrinsic Cohesive Zone Modelに基づくハイブリッドFEM-DEMを用いた岩石の準静的載荷条件下への破壊解析に関する基礎的検討、材料、Vol. 71、pp.206-213.2022.
  5. 魚見太志、村中隆之介、乾徹、緒方奨、板谷裕輝、中村丞吾:重金属吸着性能を有するジオテキスタイル材の不飽和浸透特性を考慮した吸着性能評価、ジオシンセティックス論文集、Vol. 36、pp.125-132、2021.
  6. Sho Ogata, Yutaro Maeda, Daisuke Fukuda, Hideaki Yasuhara, Toru Inui, Kiyoshi Kishida.: A novel framework for coupled THMC analysis employing explicit rock fracture, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., Vol. 861, No. 032053, 2021.
  7. Sho Ogata, Hideaki Yasuhara, Naoki Kinoshita, Takeru Kumagai, Toru Inui, Seiki Mishima and Kiyoshi Kishida.: Multi-physics simulation for predicting the permeability change of single rock fracture due to geochemical effect depending on pH condition, JGS special publication, Vol. 9, pp.71-76.
  8. Jintong Zhang, Sho Ogata, Kiyoshi Kishida.: Roughness evaluation for distinguishing fresh and sheared rock joint surfaces with different sampling intervals, Int. J. Geomech., Vol. 21, pp.04021231-1-13, 2021.
  9. 緒方奨、中村公亮、遠藤和人、乾徹、大嶺聖、水野克己:“遠隔実習教育”による地盤工学の学習支援、地盤工学会誌、Vol. 69、pp.36-39、2021.
  10. Sho Ogata: Development of Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical Models for Predicting Rock Permeability Change, International Journal of the JSRM, Vol. 16, pp. 5-6, 2020.
  11. Muhammad Qarinur, Sho Ogata, Naoki Kinoshita and Hideaki Yasuhara.: Preditions of Rock Temperature Evolution at the Lahendong Geothermal Field by Coupled Numerical Model with Discrete Fracture Model Scheme, Energies, Vol. 13,, 2020.
  12. Sho Ogata, Hideaki Yasuhara, Naoki Kinoshita, Kiyoshi Kishida.: Coupled thermal hydraulic-mechanical-chemical-modeling for permeability evolution of rocks through fracture generation and subsequent sealing, Comput. Geosci., Vol. 24, pp.1845-1846, 2020米国岩盤力学連合年間最優秀論文賞2021:ARMA Awards Rock Mechanics Research Award 2021受賞
  13. 伊澤正悟、緒方奨、安原英明、木下尚樹、岸田潔:鉱物分布を考慮したき裂発生・進展解析による圧裂引張試験時の花崗岩の破壊挙動評価、材料、Vol. 69、pp.236-242、2020.
  14. Kiyoshi Kishida, Shogo Izawa, Sho Ogata, Hideaki Yasuhara.: Development of rock fracturing model considering mineral composition and distribution and its application to coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) simulator, JGS special publication, Vol. 8, pp. 76-81,2020.
  15. 緒方奨、安原英明、岸田潔:損傷理論を導入した多孔質岩盤における熱・水・応力・化学連成解析、土木学会論文集C(地圏工学)vol.75(1)、pp. 131-145、2019(令和元年度土木学会論文奨励賞受賞)
  16. Sho Ogata, Hideaki Yasuhara, Naoki Kinoshita, Dae-Sung Cheon, Kiyoshi Kishida.: Modeling of coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical processes for predicting the evolution in permeability and reactive transport behavior within single rock fractures, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Vol.107, pp.271-281, 2018(2019年度岩の力学連合会論文賞受賞)
  17. 緒方奨、安原英明、岸田潔:圧力溶解を考慮した連成モデルへのDual porosity理論実装と岩盤の長期透水性評価、材料、Vol.67(3)、pp. 310-317、2018(令和元年度日本材料学会論文奨励賞受賞)
  18. Hideaki Yasuhara,Naoki Kinoshita,Sho Ogata,Dae-Sung Cheon and Kiyoshi Kishida:Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical modeling by incorporating pressure solution for estimating the evolution of rock permeability, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Vol. 86, pp. 104-114, 2016.
  19. 安原英明、緒方奨、木下尚樹、岸田潔:圧力溶解現象を考慮した数値解析モデルによる岩盤の長期透水特性評価、土木学会論文集C(地圏工学)、Vol. 71、No. 4、pp.292-300、2015.





